Adobe captivate 9 themes
Adobe captivate 9 themes

adobe captivate 9 themes

Provides two types of buttons (regular button & button with icon). Motion paths can be controlled only by timeline. Motion paths can be controlled by both triggers & timeline. But look & feel customization are limited. Comes with powerful validation features out-of-the-box. But does not provide input data type, length, validation settings. Helps to capture user input like name, email, etc Available out of the box, It is a lifesaver. Helps to quickly apply the same formatting, such as color, font style and size, and border style, to multiple pieces of text or graphics. Both horizontal & vertical scroll bars are available. Help to show large amount of text on the same slide using horizontal & vertical scroll bars. Allows to do lot of creative things with reuse across the course. Available out of the box, You can show any slide as a lightbox on top of other slide. It is essentially a modal dialog that must be acknowledged with at least one click before you can return to the main slide. This is one powerful, unique feature of Storyline which is used extensively for complex related content on the same slide. Slide layer a layer on top of slide with its own content, interraction, timeline, triggers, etc. Hiding options on master slide does not hide on regular slides, etc Some limitations exist like click box & button interactions, buttons states are not available. All the features & flexibility of regular slide are available in master slide triggers, button states, layers, etc. You can define slide master & feedback masters separately. These help definite different layout formats which can be used as template while creating slides.


More involved includes player layout settings, player skin settings, TOC settings also. Limited to colors, fonts, slide master & feedback master settings Helps to centralize & manage look & feel, color, font style, etc across all the slides. Allows basic grouping of slides but visualization is not powerful. Provides grouping of slides into scenes & interlicking them through “Story View” Helps organize large course into group of related slides and visualize interlinking of sllides along with entry/ exit points You can export content text into a doc or xml format & import it back after language translation. Helps to translate project content text from one language to another. Blank project comes with decent set of slide layouts but it does not let you choose from external templates.


You can browse & choose the slide layout from any external template installed on your system or you can download from the website.Ĭaptivate provides decent options but are little scattered across multiple menus.

adobe captivate 9 themes

Storyline provides lot of options to create new slides & is better organized. Options available to create new slide (other than blank slide) Helps to mange & use all multimedia from central place Import powerpoint template (can’t import to responsive project).Import from other Articulate products like Quizmaker, Engage.Options available while creating new project.

Adobe captivate 9 themes